Saturday, May 18, 2013

9 Weeks Out-Strange Progress!

Sitting here on my back patio enjoying the last few days of beautiful weather before Arizonan's move into what we call "Satan's Basement."

Progress update WOD is Strange.  Today I am 9 weeks out and the scale continues to hover around 119-122.  It seems I am always learning about food and how my body reacts to it.  I thought for sure the scale would be down this morning as I take my usual weekly measurements. Nope: scale went up to 122 (2lb increase from last week) but my waist stayed the same 27".  Most importantly I am getting leaner... that's the strange part!!  Scale goes up, mirror shows the opposite!  My trainer couldn't be more happy.  This most likely means I'm keeping my muscle - which is exactly what we are trying to do.

I am currently carb cycling which means different days I consume different amounts of carbs. I have also been timing them strictly around my workouts.

Two weeks ago I started 2-A-Days.  Well isn't that just special...  I asked my trainer - "Wha the...? Huh? I never did that last year (silent profanity inserted here)."  Step out of the box, Brenda... Step out of the box...

So here it is: Tuesday and Thursday I do 2 workouts (one in the morning and one after work) AND I've added about 20 mins of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) cardio at the end of my second workout. Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday I still hit shoulders, glutes & heavy legs.

I cycle my CARBS around each workout like this:

1-A-Day workout: 50gms 1st thing in the morning.  30gms pre-workout/20gms "intra" (during workout with BCAA'S)/50gms post workout- immediately after (IMMEDIATELY!!!!). The remainder of the day is protein and veggies totaling my protein at 200gms

2-A-Day Workout: AM Workout: 30gms pre-workout/30 post-workout PM workout: 30gms pre-Workout/20gms intra/30gms post-workout.  The remainder of the day is protein and veggies equaling 200gms.

Rest days: 200 grams protein and veggies with every meal. I hardly call these rest days because I put a lot of energy into disciplining myself to stay away from carbs and the kitchen!

What's exciting to me is these little guys popped in this morning to say hi!

I think it's important to stop here and take a moment of silent reflection to acknowledge the menopause fairy.  I never know when she will show up or what she will do.  Her fairy dust was showing up quite consistently up until a few months ago when it was almost like she just dumped me for another victim.  I felt great!  But alas, the past week or so she has made another appearance! I never thought my body would be capable of maintaining any strength or endurance when my hormonal jewels were being tossed around like a rag doll on a roller coaster. Who knew?

Until next time....

BE BLESSED and look for someone to encourage today!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Psunday Psychology

As a therapist I listen, guide and provide a lot of advice, suggestions and encouragement with the goal of creating lasting transformation.  Over the years I have learned that there are a few small and simple concepts that create significant relief.  The one that stands out for me today is, "What you are experiencing is NORMAL."

The Past
As I went through my own healing from depression, anxiety, dissociation and traumatic childhood I carried a heavy weight on my shoulders.  The weight was a secret.  I always FELT very different from everyone, plagued with shame and self hatred - less than everyone else.

Fast forward to today
I have learned that so many women struggle with these same issues.  When I tell them that they are NORMAL, the relief that comes across their face is amazing.  Their countenance changes and they sigh a breath of relief, "Really?" they say.  I respond, "yes, normal."  and they say, "I thought I was the only one."

Healing and personal growth never ends.  As I have moved into this crazy world of competing I have needed more healing & guidance.  My head goes places that it never should.  I thought I should share some of my current struggles as I prep for the stage again.  My hope is that I will encourage those few women that feel "different" or "less than" in life. 

Being vulnerable has never been one of my strengths.  As I blog my second journey to the stage I will do my best to do what I believe God has called me to do, that is... be transparent.

Irrational Thoughts  The idea of competing at nationals at first may have felt grandiose.  Why?  My brain went haywire concocting fear and irrational thinking.  Pulling myself in, regrouping and being willing to be vulnerable with my trainer helped me put my thoughts back together and regain perspective. 

Irrational Thought #1: You don't have enough muscle
Irrational Thought #2: My competitors all "take" things to make them bigger
Irrational Thought #3: You don't belong there (Nationals)
Irrational Thought #4: Who do I think I am, I don't belong there, I'm old and lack experience
Irrational Thought #5: You are right in the middle of 'the change' - your body is too old and needs the hormones

One would think that all of the motivational posters on FB and great opportunities I have to ignore thoughts like this would work.... but alas, humanity takes over and I slip back to an old, familiar place.... TEMPORARILY.

It is NORMAL to slip back into old patterns of behaving & thinking.  We all do it, we are not perfect.  Years ago I didn't have the tools to attack unhealthy thoughts in my brain, now I do.  I know now that having healthy people in your life that "see" you and bring you back is vital to staying emotionally healthy.

My trainer told me three things that forced me to stop in my tracks, regroup and gain a new perspective. 

He used the example of Peter from the Bible, Jesus was walking on the water and asked Peter to step out of the boat.  Peter DID walk on the water but as he took his eyes off of Jesus and became frightened he started sinking (in context 1st box below).

Self-Awareness is the ability to know who you are, how you behave and your impact on others. It is good to have others around that bump you back to balance.  My contest prep will be fun, a learning experience and of course living in the moment.

And Now for Something Completely Different:    PROGRESS
Today I am 11 weeks out.  I thought it might be interesting to compare what 12 weeks out last year/last show to 11 weeks out this year/this show.  Tuquise suit is August 2012. Green suit is April 2013. Same weight exactly: 121 lbs.
Carbs are at 180, protein at 200. FOR NOW. 
Thursday~Heavy Shoulders
Saturday~Heavy Legs
Sunday~Light Shoulders
For those that want to know more about Peter, Jesus and FEAR here is a link to the passage I was referring to  Matthew 14:22-31
Until next time...