Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Pendulum Swings

Today I am 4 weeks out from Master's Nationals.  I am really glad I kept close track of what I did last year.  I can see that each year of my life brings new challenges.  Last year I had a good balance between my work and personal life.  I felt blessed that I could easily find the time to train, and shop for food. This time around, it's a wee bit different.  My workload has significantly increased with long hours and changes in my responsibilities.  I don't have a lot of time to breath.  I get my workouts in when I can.  Last year I was meticulous with food prep, measuring, weighing food and tracking everything that went in my mouth. 

I am leaning out nicely but have had absolutely lousy food prep & planning.  I eye-ball everything now.  Do mental math in my head and just eat when I'm hungry (every 2 hours).  I try not to obsess and worry.  Live in the moment, that's my motto right now.  I have been surviving on protein powder, CytoCarb2, Island Teriyaki (a restaurant that I go to daily) chicken and steamed broccoli.  When I get home I throw a few chicken tenderloins on the George Forman grill and steam whatever veggies are available and BAM!  Carbs are simple and clean: rice, yams and oatmeal.

Interestingly enough, I have not had a lot of issues with the fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants 'show prep' methodology.  My body responded the same way it did last year.  Held steady for 2 - 3 weeks then boom, I drop 2 - 3 lbs. Carbs & protein remain a lot higher than last time.  Energy levels are good with the exception of my low carb days.  My body uses every ounce of carb and it tells me when I'm out.  I think I've learned what 30gms protein looks like with my eyes closed!

One thing I did learn about myself from last year.... I was way over the top too disciplined.  Can that be?  Yes, I was motivated a lot by fear, fear of getting on stage with my ass hanging to the floor, not believing anything my trainer told me.  I followed every instruction to a "T" - every minute of cardio, every workout, every ounce and gram of carb/fat/protein.

This year I am enjoying the process, relaxing and just going with the flow.  I try get my protein in but some days it's bedtime and I have to slam a shake and am still under.  I have enjoyed the solitary training and just watching my body change, visually.  My trainer says that I have more quality muscle - I don't really see it but he does.

I know that my competition will be very stiff, competing against women that are seasoned and have much more muscle.  I have to try not let this get into my head too far.  I am competitive but realistic about this level of competing.  I am focusing on doing my best, having fun and staying in a place of being thankful that I made it this far.

Yesterday was a no-carb day rest day.  Here is what that means in my world:

6AM: 1 hour hot yoga
8AM - 4PM: 1 really long seminar learning how to supervise counselors that want to become licensed
5PM: 45 minutes interval cardio.
7PM - on the couch
10PM - in the bed

Progress Pic - 5AM this morning!

Next week - pick up suit... I will give you a teaser... I committed the cardinal sin for color selection!!

Be Blessed and don't forget to encourage someone today.

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